Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Song of the Light

The Song of the Light
Esoteric Poetry
A Joyful Mother's Day and to a Mother of Light

I will capture its elusive melody as it curves throughout the year, 
As it waxes and wanes with a pilgrim's walk, the Sun moves through the skies, 

This yearly walk is but a cycle of light, a poem of solar pulsations, 

Now low, then high,

It carries within its rhythm the message and meaning of that which is supreme, 

Whose presence is light and whose name men stammer, 

Lest it be forgot this outer Sun is the symbol of that Source of Life, 

Dwelling within our innermost being as surely and potently as it shines,

When illusioned eyes witness this rhythmic walk, our unerring intuition knows,

This very same motion is occurring in our inner realm and intimate depths,

Eternally known and beyond deceiving words, we see the Sun moving as a poem, 

And then we know, this inner Source of Life sings in concert to its outer rhythm in the sky.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New MOON - Garden of the soul

During the last two weeks the Moon energies have been building in a hidden way or it might be said, "the inner way." Hidden in the sense that it represents the Garden of the soul. Today is a hidden or esoteric time to set intentions of prosperity and happiness for the coming Full MOON.

The New MOON intentions for May 2nd, must be completed by the 11:51 PM New MOON tonight, Monday May 2nd.

This esoteric window for setting intentions begins now until the exact conjunction of the SUN and MOON occurring at 11:51 PM in Seattle tonight.
The New Moon is 11:51 PM, May 2nd.

Our happiness and prosperity is currently tied with our ability to feel the flow of power and strength in our activities. Power and strength which is naturally generated at this phase of lunation, along with our intentions, will help launch a great activation at an ancient sacred site in Peru at the next Full MOON.

Our intentions need to contain both strength-of-action and a deep sense of prosperity. Strength-of-action in the external world is necessary to balance and support the inner receptive Garden of the soul that has been building during the last two weeks. Our sense of prosperity can now flow along with our external strength to integrate our inner work in our Garden of the soul.

Ideally, we will set our intentions from a place of fullness and integration. A place where the power-to-act also flows with prosperity and healing energies. The symbolism most useful in setting our intentions before this New MOON is: The mobilization of personal and collective energies, powered by the sacred heart and the Garden of the soul.

Steve Shroyer

Friday, April 1, 2011

The New Moon and Mercury Retrograde

The New Moon and Mercury Retrograde

New Moon is Sunday, April 3rd, 7:32 AM, PDT

Our Relationship to our Past
This New Moon represents a unique opportunity to make a complete readjustment to our relationship with the past. We have the potential to reshape the ways we think of the past and ways we have acted in the past.

New Moon Fire Ritual
The 24 hour period before the exact New Moon is perfect for a "New Moon Fire Ritual." This unusual astrological alignment* suggests that through an Arian Fire Ceremony (New Moon in Aries) we can release ourselves from obsolete values and attitudes that may be delaying our transition into a more progressive or spiritual awareness.

What the element of Fire represents is the ability to transform something of our past that is obsolete into something that has new meaning and significance, so it can be carried forward. What is carried forward is imprinted and activated by Source Energy and given new light and illumination by the same elemental Fire. In this way the past is literally given new meaning, through this illumination of a new creative impulse.

Amplified Energies in Seattle
The Seattle area has an astrological signature which amplifies the potential to release the past. Areas of our life will become amplified in circumstances that don't seem to be working as well as they did in the past. This is allowing for the potential readjustment of our entire lifestyle, if we can recognize the shift necessary to anchor a bigger change.

Suggestions for a New Moon Fire Ceremony
A Fire Ceremony can be used with great effectiveness at this time. Objects that represent the obsolete past can be released with the element of Fire. This process engages our mind and our feeling/intuitive side with the power to "let go" of the past that is hindering us.  


  • Old photos
  • Old journals or letters
  • Old contracts 
  • Anything else that represents the obsolete past is suitable for burning


  • Ideally the New Moon Fire Ritual should be any time within the 24 hours preceding the exact New Moon
  • Fire Ceremony window is: Saturday the 2nd, 7:32 AM, to Sunday the 3rd, 7:32 AM PDT

How and Why
As we "let go" of the past we are free to embrace a "new way" of thinking or acting that isn't conditioned by the attitudes and generalizations we have taken on from family and culture. There is the opportunity to let go of any of those things that just plain don't work anymore.

Mercury Retrograde
This New Moon ties in very nicely with Mercury going retrograde earlier this week. 
Look for my upcoming article that uncovers "The Mysteries of Mercury Retrograde." This is an astrological phenomenon that has baffled astrologers for centuries. Be prepared for a unique perspective as I take an Esoteric look into the mysteries of Mercury Retrograde.

*The exact New Moon is Sunday, April 3rd, 7:32 AM, occurring at 14° Aries. 
The Moon is conjunct the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter; square Pluto; and opposed Saturn.

Pluto: Conditional Happiness

Pluto: Conditional Happiness

Under what circumstances does happiness ever have to be conditional? The symbol of Pluto and its relationship to the Moon until the next New Moon on April 2011 suggests that one's individual karma must be accepted in order to be happy. Each of us came into this world at a time when local events, parents, birth location, and world events were already in progress. History was already in dynamic movement the moment you were born. Happiness during this two week Moon period depends on the acceptance of one's own karma and limitations. What must be accepted is one's own natural cycle and the feeling the you are acting as an agent of the Whole in your current station in life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome to The Lunar Astrology Center Blog

I'm extending my warm greetings to you and I hope this first blog post of  The Lunar Astrology Center  finds you well, and inspired in life. 

The current energies of the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto are supporting what is still being activated by the Full Moon of March 19th, 2011. This activation will end with the next  New Moon on April 3rd. 

As the Full Moon disseminates its light during the next two weeks, it slowly decreases in light until the darkness of the next New Moon. As the Moon wanes, between the Full Moon and the next New Moon, our consciousness steadily grows. This is one of the Lunar Mysteries that Sages have guarded as ancient wisdom:

"As the Moon's light steadily decreases, the light of our consciousness steadily grows."

The Esoteric viewpoint is that the Moon has the ability to psychically structure "light" in our consciousness, thereby creating the ability to consciously use the energies of the Planets in our Solar Family.

My next several blog posts will specifically discuss how you can consciously work with these planetary energies in your daily life. 

Steve Shroyer